I kn0w y0ur, kind of girl
You only care ab0ut one thing
Who y0u've seen, or where y0u've been
Who's g0t m0ney
I see that look, in y0ur eyes
I tell a million lies
But deep inside, i kn0w why
You're thinking t0 him
#i kn0w what y0u're (she's) all ab0ut
I really hope he figures it out
*She's one of th0se girl
They n0thing but tRöuble
Just one look,
And n0w y0u seeing double
Before y0u kn0w it she'll be g0ne
Off to the next one
She s0 go0d
That y0ur won't see it coming
She'll take y0u for a ride
Ane you'll be left with n0thing
#You'll be br0ken she'll be g0ne
Off t0 the next one o-oh, o-oh, o-oh (2 X)
She's g0nna be, the end oF y0u
At least that's what they say
It's been a while, y0u're in denial
And n0w it's t0o late
The way she lo0k, makes y0u high
All the warning signs
Cause her BLond hair, her blue eyes
Makes y0u wanna die
You kn0w it's a game 2X
Yeah, she keep
Playing around with y0ur head-y0ur head 2X
She s0 insane 2X
She'S the one t0 blame-t0 bLame 2X
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